Caring For A Mercedes-Benz Diesel Engine

Posted on: 18 December 2016

The Mercedes-Benz brand is synonymous with automobile luxury. Their master craftsmanship is evident in every part of the vehicle, but especially when it comes to its diesel engine. The engine's design is one that gives you power, minimal exhaust emissions and most importantly increased durability. While these are automatic benefits, it is up to you to properly care for the engine to maintain these benefits.

Regularly Change The Air Filter

Your diesel engine will require a consistent flow of air to keep it functioning efficiently. When the filter is clogged with debris, this limits the amount of air that can pass through. While the engine will still function, the long-term implications may include reduced miles per gallon and a shortened engine lifespan. Make it a point to have the filter checked at every oil change to see if it is time for a replacement.

Don't Be An Aggressive Driver

When you're at a traffic light with another high-powered vehicle, there is always this urge to show the other driver just how powerful your Mercedes-Benz is. Make sure you're resisting this urge. Unnecessarily aggressive driving practices put a toll on your diesel engine by increasing stress. An engine in this state will generally accumulate a sludge buildup at a more aggressive rate that can cause a serious clog, resulting in significant damage. Remember, the brand speaks for itself – you don't have to prove anything.

Rely On A Certified Mechanic

The German design of Mercedes-Benz is quite the contrast from the American made vehicle. When you purchased your vehicle and the dealership told you to bring it back to them for repairs, this wasn't a scheme to get your money. This was suggested to protect your vehicle. Certified mechanics have access to genuine parts which generally last longer than third-party options. Even if you don't visit a dealership ensure the mechanic is certified to work on your vehicle.

Keep An Eye On The Drive Belts

Drive belts play a critical role in diesel engine function. A worn or faulty drive belt will limit engine, power steering, battery and air conditioning function. While designed for long life, they aren't invincible, especially if you put a high number of miles on your vehicle regularly. In the event of an issue, the belts can generally be easy replaced. Have your drive belts checked once every 20,000 miles to stay on top of a problem.

Ensure you aren't just caring for your engine, but the entire vehicle to get the most out of your investment. To learn more, contact a company like Malibu Motors Service
